Board Leadership Calgary is proud to organize the fourth year of its popular Learning Events!
This year’s event will be a combination of the two annual events: Board Governance Basics and Make Dollars, Make Sense: Funding and Financial Management 101. It will be held at Bow Valley College in downtown Calgary.
This combined, one-day learning event will cover a wide range of topics supporting non-profit organizations in the area of board governance leadership and development, and financial literacy and fund development. These events hope to build the overall capacity of the non-profit voluntary sector in Calgary and area.
Here are some of the topics we are working on for our 2017 event:
- Board Governance Basics
- Roles of the Board: Executive and Committee
- Successful Meetings: Preparing for your AGM and good decision making
- Building the Board: Recruitment, Succession Planning, Culture
- The Foundations: Your Bylaws and Policies
- Compliance: Both Financial and in General
- Fundraising and the Board
- Non-Profit Budgeting
- Social Enterprises and Community Economic Development
- Strategic Planning
- Board and Staff Relations
- Risk Management
- Executive Director: Hiring, Roles, Supervision
- Conflict Resolution
- Social Media (marketing and what’s it good for?)
- Telling your Story
- Financial Statement Literacy
- Grant Writing and the Language of Funders
- Organizational Diversity
- Volunteer Engagement
- Good Evaluation
Topics are subject to change and will be finalized by the end of August.
For the most up-to-date news, please check us out at, and our Facebook and Twitter pages.
Thanks to all that have supported BLC over the past few years!